alpaca_isp Command-Line Tool ============================ :: usage: alpaca_isp [-h] [-b BAUDRATE] [-c CLOCK_KHZ] [-t TIMEOUT] [-e] [--no-start] [--try-sync TRY_SYNC] [-n] [-r] file [file ...] tty Flash an LPC microcontroller positional arguments: file Intel HEX file to flash to the microcontroller tty the tty to which the microcontroller is attached optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE baud rate used for communication (default: 115200) -c CLOCK_KHZ, --clock-khz CLOCK_KHZ microcontroller's clock frequency in kHz (default: 12000) -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT timeout for reading data from the microcontroller in seconds (default: 0.1) -e, --erase erase all the microcontroller's flash before flashing --no-start do not start the microcontroller after flashing --try-sync TRY_SYNC maximum number of tries to synchronize with the microcontroller -n, --control control RS232 lines to enter ISP mode (/RST = DTR, /ISP = RTS) -r, --verify verify that the data were written correctly after flashing