Somewhat fancy voice command recognition software
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères. 3.5KB

  1. # This is part of Kaylee
  2. # -- this code is licensed GPLv3
  3. # Copyright 2015-2017 Clayton G. Hobbs
  4. # Portions Copyright 2013 Jezra
  5. import sys
  6. import gi
  7. from gi.repository import GObject
  8. # Gtk
  9. gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
  10. from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
  11. class GTKInterface(GObject.GObject):
  12. __gsignals__ = {
  13. 'command': (GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_NONE,
  14. (GObject.TYPE_STRING,))
  15. }
  16. def __init__(self, args, continuous):
  17. GObject.GObject.__init__(self)
  18. self.continuous = continuous
  19. # Make a window
  20. self.window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
  21. self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event)
  22. # Give the window a name
  23. self.window.set_title("Kaylee")
  24. self.window.set_resizable(False)
  25. layout = Gtk.VBox()
  26. self.window.add(layout)
  27. # Make a listen/stop button
  28. self.lsbutton = Gtk.Button("Listen")
  29. layout.add(self.lsbutton)
  30. # Make a continuous button
  31. self.ccheckbox = Gtk.CheckButton("Continuous Listen")
  32. layout.add(self.ccheckbox)
  33. # Connect the buttons
  34. self.lsbutton.connect("clicked", self.lsbutton_clicked)
  35. self.ccheckbox.connect("clicked", self.ccheckbox_clicked)
  36. # Add a label to the UI to display the last command
  37. self.label = Gtk.Label()
  38. layout.add(self.label)
  39. # Create an accellerator group for this window
  40. accel = Gtk.AccelGroup()
  41. # Add the ctrl+q to quit
  42. accel.connect(Gdk.keyval_from_name('q'), Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK,
  43. Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE, self.accel_quit)
  44. # Lock the group
  45. accel.lock()
  46. # Add the group to the window
  47. self.window.add_accel_group(accel)
  48. def ccheckbox_clicked(self, widget):
  49. checked = self.ccheckbox.get_active()
  50. self.lsbutton.set_sensitive(not checked)
  51. if checked:
  52. self.lsbutton_stopped()
  53. self.emit('command', "continuous_listen")
  54. self.set_icon_active()
  55. else:
  56. self.emit('command', "stop")
  57. self.set_icon_inactive()
  58. def lsbutton_stopped(self):
  59. self.lsbutton.set_label("Listen")
  60. def lsbutton_clicked(self, button):
  61. val = self.lsbutton.get_label()
  62. if val == "Listen":
  63. self.emit("command", "listen")
  64. self.lsbutton.set_label("Stop")
  65. # Clear the label
  66. self.label.set_text("")
  67. self.set_icon_active()
  68. else:
  69. self.lsbutton_stopped()
  70. self.emit("command", "stop")
  71. self.set_icon_inactive()
  72. def run(self):
  73. # Set the default icon
  74. self.set_icon_inactive()
  75. self.window.show_all()
  76. if self.continuous:
  77. self.set_icon_active()
  78. self.ccheckbox.set_active(True)
  79. def accel_quit(self, accel_group, acceleratable, keyval, modifier):
  80. self.emit("command", "quit")
  81. def delete_event(self, x, y):
  82. self.emit("command", "quit")
  83. def finished(self, text):
  84. # If the continuous isn't pressed
  85. if not self.ccheckbox.get_active():
  86. self.lsbutton_stopped()
  87. self.set_icon_inactive()
  88. self.label.set_text(text)
  89. def set_icon_active_asset(self, i):
  90. self.icon_active = i
  91. def set_icon_inactive_asset(self, i):
  92. self.icon_inactive = i
  93. def set_icon_active(self):
  94. Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_from_file(self.icon_active)
  95. def set_icon_inactive(self):
  96. Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_from_file(self.icon_inactive)