# PD Buddy firmware This is the firmware for the PD Buddy project. Currently, this specifically means the PD Buddy Sink. The firmware is currently under heavy development, but is partially functional. ## Prerequisites To compile the firmware, you must first install the [GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain](https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded). Details of its installation is beyond the scope of this README. Once the toolchain is installed, clone this repository with: $ git clone --recursive http://git.clayhobbs.com/clay/pd-buddy-firmware.git This will give you a complete copy of the repository, including the ChibiOS submodule. You will also need to install some program to flash the firmware. The simplest option is [dfu-util](http://dfu-util.sourceforge.net/), as it requires no extra hardware. If you prefer to use SWD, you could also use [stlink](https://github.com/texane/stlink) or [OpenOCD](http://openocd.org/). ## Compiling With all the dependencies installed, the firmware can be compiled as follows: $ cd pd-buddy-firmware $ make This compiles the firmware to `build/pd-buddy-firmware.{bin,elf}`. ## Flashing The firmware can be flashed in any number of ways, including but not limited to the following: ### dfu-util Set the boot mode switch on the PD Buddy Sink to DFU mode and plug it into your computer. Flash the firmware with: $ dfu-util -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave -D build/pd-buddy-firmware.bin Don't forget to set the switch back to normal mode after unplugging the device. ### stlink If you have an ST-LINK/V2, you can use it to flash the firmware via SWD as follows: $ st-flash write build/pd-buddy-firmware.bin 0x8000000 ### OpenOCD OpenOCD can also be used to flash the firmware. For example: $ openocd -f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f target/stm32f0x.cfg -c "program build/pd-buddy-firmware.elf verify reset exit" ## Usage After first flashing the PD Buddy Sink, the device has no configuration. To configure it, plug it into your computer while holding the "Setup" button. The LED should blink once per second to indicate that the device is in configuration mode. The Sink provides a virtual serial port for editing its configuration. ### Configuration with the Serial Terminal Connect to the PD Buddy Sink with your favorite serial console program, such as GNU Screen, Minicom, or PuTTY. Press Enter, and you should be greeted with a `PDBS)` prompt. The `help` command gives brief summaries of each of the available commands. To configure the PD Buddy Sink to request 2.25 A at 20 V, run the following commands: PDBS) set_v 20000 PDBS) set_i 2250 PDBS) write When `write` is run, the chosen settings are written to flash. You can then simply disconnect the Sink from your computer. ### Using the configured PD Buddy Sink Once the Sink has been configured, just plug it into your USB PD power supply. If the supply is capable of putting out the configured current at the configured voltage, the Sink will negotiate it, then turn on its output and blink the LED three times to indicate success. If the supply cannot output enough power, the Sink will turn its LED on solid to indicate failure, and leave its output turned off.