# PD Buddy Sink Serial Console Configuration Interface The PD Buddy Sink can be put into setup mode by holding the Setup button while plugging it into a computer. In this mode, the device does not perform any USB Power Delivery communications, instead running a configuration console over a USB CDC-ACM virtual serial port. This allows the user to change the voltage and current the Sink requests, as well as other settings related to the device's operation. ## Quick Start ### Connecting to the Configuration Console Connect to the PD Buddy Sink with your favorite serial console program, such as [GNU Screen][], [Minicom][], or [PuTTY][]. On Linux, the device file will probably be something like `/dev/ttyACM0`. Any baud rate will work, as USB CDC-ACM doesn't care what it's set to. After connecting, press Enter and you should be greeted with a `PDBS)` prompt. [GNU Screen]: https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/ [Minicom]: https://alioth.debian.org/projects/minicom [PuTTY]: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ ### View the Saved Configuration To see the configuration the device already has, run `get_cfg`: PDBS) get_cfg status: valid flags: (none) v: 9.00 V i: 3.00 A If the Sink has no configuration, this will simply print `No configuration`. ### Setting Voltage and Current The `set_v` and `set_i` commands allow you to set the voltage and current the Sink will request. The units used are millivolts and milliamperes. For example, to configure the device to request 2.25 A at 20 V, run the following commands: PDBS) set_v 20000 PDBS) set_i 2250 ### Reviewing Configuration Changes The changes made so far are held temporarily in RAM. To review the temporary configuration buffer, run `get_tmpcfg`: PDBS) get_tmpcfg status: valid flags: (none) v: 20.00 V i: 2.25 A ### Saving Configuration The configuration buffer must be written to flash for the device to actually request the selected voltage and current. To do this, run: PDBS) write As soon as the prompt reappears after running `write`, the changes have been stored to flash, which can be verified with `get_cfg`. The Sink may be safely unplugged at any time. ## Commands ### help Usage: `help` Prints short help messages about all available commands. ### license Usage: `license` Prints licensing information for the firmware. ### erase Usage: `erase` Synchronously erases all stored configuration from flash. This can be used to restore a device to its default state. Note: The `erase` command is mainly intended for development and testing. Stored configuration is automatically erased if necessary when `write` is run, and wear leveling is performed as well. Unless you really know what you're doing, there should be no reason to ever run `erase`. ### write Usage: `write` Synchronously writes the contents of the configuration buffer to flash. Wear leveling is done to ensure long flash life, and the flash sector is automatically erased if necessary. ### load Usage: `load` Loads the current configuration from flash into the buffer. Useful if you want to change some settings while leaving others alone. ### get_cfg Usage: `get_cfg [index]` If no index is provided, prints the current configuration from flash. If there is no configuration, `No configuration` is printed instead. For developers, if an index is provided, prints a particular location in the configuration flash sector. ### get_tmpcfg Usage: `get_tmpcfg` Prints the contents of the configuration buffer. ### toggle_giveback Usage: `toggle_giveback` Toggles the GiveBack flag in the configuration buffer. GiveBack allows the power supply to temporarily remove power from the Sink's output if another device needs more power. Recommended if the Sink is being used to charge a battery. ### set_v Usage: `set_v voltage_in_mV` Sets the voltage of the configuration buffer, in millivolts. Note: values are rounded down to the nearest Power Delivery voltage unit (50 mV). ### set_i Usage: `set_i current_in_mA` Sets the current of the configuration buffer, in milliamperes. Note: values are rounded down to the nearest Power Delivery current unit (10 mA). ### identify Usage: `identify` Blinks the LED quickly. Useful for identifying which device you're connected to if several are plugged in to your computer at once. ## Configuration Format Wherever a configuration object is printed, the following format is used. The configuration consists of a number of fields, one per line. Each field is of the format: name: value Only the `status` field is mandatory. Any or all other fields may be absent if their values are not valid or relevant. ### status The `status` field holds the name of the status of the printed configuration object. The possible names are: * `empty`: A configuration object left empty after the last erase. * `valid`: The configuration object that holds the current device settings. * `invalid`: A configuration object that once held settings, but has been superseded. ### flags The `flags` field holds zero or more flags. If no flags are enabled, the field's value is `(none)`. Otherwise, the field's value is some combination of the following words, separated by spaces, representing the flags enabled in this configuration object: * `GiveBack`: allows the power supply to temporarily reduce power to the device if necessary. ### v The `v` field holds the fixed voltage of the configuration object, in volts. The field's value is a floating-point decimal number, followed by a space and a capital V. For example: `20.00 V` ### i The `i` field holds the fixed current of the configuration object, in amperes. The field's value is a floating-point decimal number, followed by a space and a capital A. For example: `2.25 A`