"""Python bindings for PD Buddy Sink configuration""" try: # Try importing enum from the standard library import enum # Make sure Flag is available enum.Flag except (ImportError, NameError): # If something above failed, try aenum instead import aenum as enum import serial import serial.tools.list_ports class Sink: """Interface for configuring a PD Buddy Sink""" vid = 0x1209 pid = 0x9DB5 def __init__(self, sp): """Open a serial port to communicate with the PD Buddy Sink :param sp: the serial port of the device :type sp: str or `serial.tools.list_ports.ListPortInfo` """ try: self._port = serial.Serial(sp, baudrate=115200) except ValueError: self._port = serial.Serial(sp.device, baudrate=115200) # Put communications in a known state, cancelling any partially-entered # command that may be sitting in the buffer. self.send_command("\x04", newline=False) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._port.close() def send_command(self, cmd, newline=True): """Send a command to the PD Buddy Sink, returning the result :param cmd: the text to send to the Sink :param newline: whether to append a ``\r\n`` to the command :type cmd: str :type newline: bool :returns: a list of zero or more bytes objects, each being one line printed as a response to the command. """ # Build the command cmd = cmd.encode("utf-8") if newline: cmd += b"\r\n" # Send the command self._port.write(cmd) self._port.flush() # Read the result answer = b"" while not answer.endswith(b"PDBS) "): answer += self._port.read(1) answer = answer.split(b"\r\n") # Remove the echoed command and prompt answer = answer[1:-1] return answer def close(self): """Close the serial port""" self._port.close() def help(self): """Returns the help text from the PD Buddy Sink""" return self.send_command("help") def license(self): """Returns the license text from the PD Buddy Sink""" return self.send_command("license") def erase(self): """Synchronously erases all stored configuration from flash""" self.send_command("erase") def write(self): """Synchronously writes the contents of the configuration buffer to flash""" self.send_command("write") def load(self): """Loads the current configuration from flash into the buffer :raises: KeyError """ text = self.send_command("load") if len(text) > 0 and text[0].startswith(b"No configuration"): raise KeyError("no configuration") def get_cfg(self, index=None): """Reads configuration from flash :param index: optional index of configuration object in flash to read :returns: a `SinkConfig` object """ if index is None: cfg = self.send_command("get_cfg") else: cfg = self.send_command("get_cfg {}".format(index)) return SinkConfig.from_text(cfg) def get_tmpcfg(self): """Reads the contents of the configuration buffer :returns: a `SinkConfig` object """ cfg = self.send_command("get_tmpcfg") return SinkConfig.from_text(cfg) def clear_flags(self): """Clears all the flags in the configuration buffer""" self.send_command("clear_flags") def toggle_giveback(self): """Toggles the GiveBack flag in the configuration buffer""" self.send_command("toggle_giveback") def set_v(self, mv): """Sets the voltage of the configuration buffer, in millivolts""" out = self.send_command("set_v {}".format(mv)) # If that command gave any output, that indicates an error. Raise an # exception to make that clear. if len(out): raise ValueError(out[0]) def set_i(self, ma): """Sets the current of the configuration buffer, in milliamperes""" out = self.send_command("set_i {}".format(ma)) # If that command gave any output, that indicates an error. Raise an # exception to make that clear. if len(out): raise ValueError(out[0]) def identify(self): """Blinks the LED quickly""" self.send_command("identify") def output(self, state=None): """Gets or sets the state of a Sink's output Raises KeyError if the ``output`` command is not available on the Sink. Raises ValueError if an invalid output is read. :param state: optional value of the output to set :returns: the output state if state is None, None otherwise """ # With no parameter, return the output state if state is None: value = self.send_command("output") if value[0] == b"enabled": return True elif value[0] == b"disabled": return False else: # If the command is unknown to the Sink, raise a KeyError if value[0] == b"output ?": raise KeyError("command not found") # If unexpected text is returned, raise an exception indicating a # firmware error raise ValueError("unknown output state") # With a parameter, set the output state if state: self.send_command("output enable") else: self.send_command("output disable") def set_tmpcfg(self, sc): """Writes a SinkConfig object to the device's configuration buffer Note: the value of the status field is ignored; it will always be `SinkStatus.VALID`. """ # Set flags self.clear_flags() if sc.flags & SinkFlags.GIVEBACK: self.toggle_giveback() # Set voltage self.set_v(sc.v) # Set current self.set_i(sc.i) @classmethod def get_devices(cls): """Get an iterable of PD Buddy Sink devices :returns: an iterable of `serial.tools.list_ports.ListPortInfo` objects """ return serial.tools.list_ports.grep("{:04X}:{:04X}".format(cls.vid, cls.pid)) class SinkConfig: """Python representation of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object""" def __init__(self, status=None, flags=None, v=None, i=None): """Create a SinkConfig object :param status: A `SinkStatus` value :param flags: Zero or more `SinkFlags` values :param v: Voltage in millivolts :param i: Current in milliamperes """ self.status = status self.flags = flags self.v = v self.i = i def __repr__(self): s = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" if self.status is not None: s += "status={}".format(self.status) if self.flags is not None: if not s.endswith("("): s += ", " s += "flags={}".format(self.flags) if self.v is not None: if not s.endswith("("): s += ", " s += "v={}".format(self.v) if self.i is not None: if not s.endswith("("): s += ", " s += "i={}".format(self.i) s += ")" return s def __str__(self): """Print the SinkStatus in the manner of the configuration shell""" s = "" if self.status is not None: s += "status: " if self.status is SinkStatus.EMPTY: s += "empty" elif self.status is SinkStatus.VALID: s += "valid" elif self.status is SinkStatus.INVALID: s += "invalid" s += "\n" if self.flags is not None: s += "flags: " if self.flags is SinkFlags.NONE: s += "(none)" else: if self.flags & SinkFlags.GIVEBACK: s += "GiveBack" s += "\n" if self.v is not None: s += "v: {:.2f} V\n".format(self.v / 1000) if self.i is not None: s += "i: {:.2f} A\n".format(self.i / 1000) # Return all but the last character of s to remove the trailing newline if s: return s[:-1] else: return "No configuration" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if other.status is not self.status: return False if other.flags is not self.flags: return False if other.v != self.v: return False if other.i != self.i: return False return True return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return not self.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items()))) @classmethod def from_text(cls, text): """Creates a SinkConfig from text returned by Sink.send_command :param text: the text to load :type text: a list of bytes objects :returns: a new `SinkConfig` object. :raises: IndexError """ # Assume the parameters will all be None status = None flags = None v = None i = None # Iterate over all lines of text for line in text: # If the configuration said invalid index, raise an IndexError if line.startswith(b"Invalid index"): raise IndexError("configuration index out of range") # If there is no configuration, return an empty SinkConfig elif line.startswith(b"No configuration"): return cls() # If this line is the status field elif line.startswith(b"status: "): line = line.split()[1:] if line[0] == b"empty": status = SinkStatus.EMPTY elif line[0] == b"valid": status = SinkStatus.VALID elif line[0] == b"invalid": status = SinkStatus.INVALID # If this line is the flags field elif line.startswith(b"flags: "): line = line.split()[1:] flags = SinkFlags.NONE for word in line: if word == b"(none)": # If there are no flags set, stop looking break elif word == b"GiveBack": flags |= SinkFlags.GIVEBACK # If this line is the v field elif line.startswith(b"v: "): word = line.split()[1] v = round(1000*float(word)) # If this line is the i field elif line.startswith(b"i: "): word = line.split()[1] i = round(1000*float(word)) # Create a new SinkConfig object with the values we just read return cls(status=status, flags=flags, v=v, i=i) class SinkStatus(enum.Enum): """Status field of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object""" EMPTY = 1 VALID = 2 INVALID = 3 class SinkFlags(enum.Flag): """Flags field of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object""" NONE = 0 GIVEBACK = enum.auto()