Python library for working with the PD Buddy Sink Serial Console Configuration Interface
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  1. """Python bindings for PD Buddy Sink configuration"""
  2. from enum import *
  3. import serial
  4. import
  5. class Sink:
  6. """Interface for configuring a PD Buddy Sink"""
  7. vid = 0x1209
  8. pid = 0x0001
  9. def __init__(self, sp):
  10. """Open the serial port to communicate with the PD Buddy Sink
  11. Parameters:
  12. sp: A object
  13. """
  14. self.port = serial.Serial(sp.device, baudrate=115200)
  15. def send_command(self, cmd):
  16. """Send a command to the PD Buddy Sink, returning the result
  17. Parameters:
  18. cmd: A string containing the text to send to the Sink
  19. Returns:
  20. A list of zero or more bytes objects, each being one line printed
  21. as a response to the command.
  22. """
  23. # Send the command
  24. self.port.write(bytes(cmd, "utf-8") + b"\r\n")
  25. self.port.flush()
  26. # Read the result
  27. answer = b""
  28. while not answer.endswith(b"PDBS) "):
  29. answer +=
  30. answer = answer.split(b"\r\n")
  31. # Remove the echoed command and prompt
  32. answer = answer[1:-1]
  33. return answer
  34. def help(self):
  35. """Returns the help text from the PD Buddy Sink"""
  36. return self.send_command("help")
  37. def license(self):
  38. """Returns the license text from the PD Buddy Sink"""
  39. return self.send_command("license")
  40. def erase(self):
  41. """Synchronously erases all stored configuration from flash"""
  42. self.send_command("erase")
  43. def write(self):
  44. """Synchronously writes the contents of the configuration buffer to flash"""
  45. self.send_command("write")
  46. def load(self):
  47. """Loads the current configuration from flash into the buffer
  48. Raises KeyError if there is no configuration in flash.
  49. """
  50. text = self.send_command("load")
  51. if len(text) > 0 and text[0].startswith(b"No configuration"):
  52. raise KeyError("no configuration")
  53. def get_cfg(self, index=None):
  54. """Reads configuration from flash
  55. Parameters:
  56. index: Optional index of configuration object in flash to read
  57. Returns:
  58. A SinkConfig object
  59. """
  60. if index is None:
  61. cfg = self.send_command("get_cfg")
  62. else:
  63. cfg = self.send_command("get_cfg {}".format(index))
  64. return SinkConfig.from_text(cfg)
  65. def get_tmpcfg(self):
  66. """Reads the contents of the configuration buffer
  67. Returns:
  68. A SinkConfig object
  69. """
  70. cfg = self.send_command("get_tmpcfg")
  71. return SinkConfig.from_text(cfg)
  72. def clear_flags(self):
  73. """Clears all the flags in the configuration buffer"""
  74. self.send_command("clear_flags")
  75. def toggle_giveback(self):
  76. """Toggles the GiveBack flag in the configuration buffer"""
  77. self.send_command("toggle_giveback")
  78. def set_v(self, mv):
  79. """Sets the voltage of the configuration buffer, in millivolts"""
  80. self.send_command("set_v {}".format(mv))
  81. def set_i(self, ma):
  82. """Sets the current of the configuration buffer, in milliamperes"""
  83. self.send_command("set_i {}".format(ma))
  84. def identify(self):
  85. """Blinks the LED quickly"""
  86. self.send_command("identify")
  87. def set_tmpcfg(self, sc):
  88. """Writes a SinkConfig object to the device's configuration buffer
  89. Note: the value of the status field is ignored; it will always be
  90. SinkStatus.VALID.
  91. """
  92. # Set flags
  93. self.clear_flags()
  94. if sc.flags & SinkFlags.GIVEBACK:
  95. self.toggle_giveback()
  96. # Set voltage
  97. self.set_v(sc.v)
  98. # Set current
  99. self.set_i(sc.i)
  100. @classmethod
  101. def get_devices(cls):
  102. """Get an iterable of PD Buddy Sink devices
  103. Returns an iterable of objects.
  104. """
  105. return"{:04X}:{:04X}".format(cls.vid,
  107. class SinkConfig:
  108. """Python representation of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object"""
  109. def __init__(self, status=None, flags=None, v=None, i=None):
  110. """Create a SinkConfig object
  111. Parameters:
  112. status: A SinkStatus value
  113. flags: Zero or more SinkFlags values
  114. v: Voltage in millivolts
  115. i: Current in milliamperes
  116. """
  117. self.status = status
  118. self.flags = flags
  119. self.v = v
  120. self.i = i
  121. def __repr__(self):
  122. s = type(self).__name__ + "("
  123. if self.status is not None:
  124. s += "status={}".format(self.status)
  125. if self.flags is not None:
  126. if not s.endswith("("):
  127. s += ", "
  128. s += "flags={}".format(self.flags)
  129. if self.v is not None:
  130. if not s.endswith("("):
  131. s += ", "
  132. s += "v={}".format(self.v)
  133. if self.i is not None:
  134. if not s.endswith("("):
  135. s += ", "
  136. s += "i={}".format(self.i)
  137. s += ")"
  138. return s
  139. def __str__(self):
  140. """Print the SinkStatus in the manner of the configuration shell"""
  141. s = ""
  142. if self.status is not None:
  143. s += "status: "
  144. if self.status is SinkStatus.EMPTY:
  145. s += "empty"
  146. elif self.status is SinkStatus.VALID:
  147. s += "valid"
  148. elif self.status is SinkStatus.INVALID:
  149. s += "invalid"
  150. s += "\n"
  151. if self.flags is not None:
  152. s += "flags: "
  153. if self.flags is SinkFlags.NONE:
  154. s += "(none)"
  155. else:
  156. if self.flags & SinkFlags.GIVEBACK:
  157. s += "GiveBack"
  158. s += "\n"
  159. if self.v is not None:
  160. s += "v: {:.2f} V\n".format(self.v / 1000)
  161. if self.i is not None:
  162. s += "i: {:.2f} A\n".format(self.i / 1000)
  163. # Return all but the last character of s to remove the trailing newline
  164. return s[:-1]
  165. def __eq__(self, other):
  166. if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
  167. if other.status is not self.status:
  168. return False
  169. if other.flags is not self.flags:
  170. return False
  171. if other.v != self.v:
  172. return False
  173. if other.i != self.i:
  174. return False
  175. return True
  176. return NotImplemented
  177. def __ne__(self, other):
  178. if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
  179. return not self.__eq__(other)
  180. return NotImplemented
  181. def __hash__(self):
  182. return hash(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items())))
  183. @classmethod
  184. def from_text(cls, text):
  185. """Creates a SinkConfig from text returned by Sink.send_command
  186. Returns a new SinkConfig object.
  187. Raises IndexError if the configuration reads "Invalid index".
  188. """
  189. # Assume the parameters will all be None
  190. status = None
  191. flags = None
  192. v = None
  193. i = None
  194. # Iterate over all lines of text
  195. for line in text:
  196. # If the configuration said invalid index, raise an IndexError
  197. if line.startswith(b"Invalid index"):
  198. raise IndexError("configuration index out of range")
  199. # If there is no configuration, return an empty SinkConfig
  200. elif line.startswith(b"No configuration"):
  201. return cls()
  202. # If this line is the status field
  203. elif line.startswith(b"status: "):
  204. line = line.split()[1:]
  205. if line[0] == b"empty":
  206. status = SinkStatus.EMPTY
  207. elif line[0] == b"valid":
  208. status = SinkStatus.VALID
  209. elif line[0] == b"invalid":
  210. status = SinkStatus.INVALID
  211. # If this line is the flags field
  212. elif line.startswith(b"flags: "):
  213. line = line.split()[1:]
  214. flags = SinkFlags.NONE
  215. for word in line:
  216. if word == b"(none)":
  217. # If there are no flags set, stop looking
  218. break
  219. elif word == b"GiveBack":
  220. flags |= SinkFlags.GIVEBACK
  221. # If this line is the v field
  222. elif line.startswith(b"v: "):
  223. word = line.split()[1]
  224. v = round(1000*float(word))
  225. # If this line is the i field
  226. elif line.startswith(b"i: "):
  227. word = line.split()[1]
  228. i = round(1000*float(word))
  229. # Create a new SinkConfig object with the values we just read
  230. return cls(status=status, flags=flags, v=v, i=i)
  231. class SinkStatus(Enum):
  232. """Status field of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object"""
  233. EMPTY = 1
  234. VALID = 2
  235. INVALID = 3
  236. class SinkFlags(Flag):
  237. """Flags field of a PD Buddy Sink configuration object"""
  238. NONE = 0
  239. GIVEBACK = auto()